Resources on Prophecy

With the world around us gripped in fear, those of us who know God and know our Bibles have no need to be unduly alarmed. The more we grasp the solid things that God himself has told us for our encouragement, the stronger we shall be and the more equipped to help our fellow men and women. The second coming lies at the centre and heart of the Christian gospel because that gospel has its roots in the Old Testament revelation of God and his purposes for humanity. Indeed, we can no more dismiss prophecy from our minds than we can dismiss the whole Bible from our minds, for the majority of the Bible is prophecy.
Explore Resources
One Study on Maintaining Faith Before the Second Coming of Christ
Four Studies on Encouragements and Challenges from Bible Prophecy
Read Questions/Answers
Through the years David Gooding answered many Bible-related questions that he received through correspondence and in Q&A sessions. Below you will find a list of answers to questions related to prophecy.