Why does Scripture leave gaps in our knowledge when it comes to end time prophecies?


This text is from a transcript of a question-and-answer session with David Gooding.

I do sincerely think that we do well to remember how little we know, and how little we are meant to know; because God is going to be much bigger than we think.

It is not only in prophecy that there are a whole lot of things we do not know. In mere physics, there are millions of things we do not know about our own world. What are black holes? What is the Andromeda Galaxy doing? Why does God have them? Can you turn matter into antimatter? How, and what difference would it make? Why, every schoolboy knows that there are big and exciting things even about our own backyard that we do not know.

To my mind it is a delightful thing that we do not know, because we have a whole eternity in front of us to find out. I think we would be wise men and women not to reduce prophetic things to tiny little timetables the size of the British Railways timetable, for when you read them there is not much left. God will be much bigger, even with regards to our own little planet, than what we think.


How should ‘Jesus Christ is come in the flesh’ in 2 John 7 be translated? Does it refer to Christ’s future coming?


Does ‘his flesh’ in Hebrews 10:20 refer to the whole phrase, ‘a new and living way, which he inaugurated for us through the veil’?