Resources on Evangelism

Why do we preach and teach? Because, when God speaks to us in his word and we hear his voice expounding the treasures of his wisdom, it so fills our hearts that we must go and tell somebody. We get a feeling like those famous lepers outside besieged Samaria (2 Kings 7). They found treasure after treasure in the tents abandoned by the enemy, and they began to fill their empty pockets with the loot. Suddenly conscience began to work, and they said, ‘We do not well. If we stuff all this treasure into our own pockets, and don’t tell a starving city what we have found, some evil will befall us.’ It was that kind of constraint that moved them, and should move us too.
Explore Resources
One Evangelistic Study on the Final Judgement
Two Evangelistic Studies from Revelation
One Study Answering this Question With Historical Case Studies
Read Questions/Answers
Through the years David Gooding answered many Bible-related questions that he received through correspondence and in Q&A sessions. Below you will find a list of answers to questions related to evangelism.