Does Proverbs 8:30 depict Christ as a ‘lesser’ God?


This text is from a letter written by David Gooding in 1991.

In all our thinking, we must always adhere to the plain words of Scripture: there is only one God. There is not one God plus a somewhat lesser God.

I think that many people have misread the verse in Proverbs 8:30:

'then I was by him, as one brought up with him'.

They have taken these words to refer to our Lord in his pre-incarnate existence; and the picture it has evoked in their minds is of God the Father plus a rather lesser God, God the Son, brought up at God's side.

But the verse is not talking about our Lord at all. It is referring to wisdom, under the picture of a woman, as you will see by looking back to Proverbs 8:12, where the woman, wisdom, says 'I wisdom dwell with prudence'.


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