What is the thought flow of Matthew 19:10–12, with regards to marriage and singleness?


This text is from a letter written by David Gooding in 1999.

My own untutored view on the logic of the thought flow of Matthew 19:10–12 is as follows.

The disciples remark that, given our Lord's teaching, 'it is not expedient to marry' (ASV). In other words, if you cannot get divorced when you are tired of your spouse, it is better not to get married at all. Our Lord replies by pointing out that that way of escape is not open to everyone in general.

Marriage is God's own ordinance. The Jews point out that it is the first commandment given to mankind in the whole of the Bible. It requires an exceptional gift of God not to get married, so say verses 11 and 12. Of course, he who can receive it, and has that gift, let him receive it; but don't let people in general try to escape from the responsibilities of marriage by trying to live as though unmarried, when they have never been given the gift to do so to the glory of God.

Ever yours,


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