How do you think God will react to the possibility of human cloning, and will he allow man to design another human creature?


This text is from a transcript of a talk by David Gooding, entitled ‘God is on the Throne and in Control’ (1998).

It seems to me that Revelation 13:11–15 says that the second beast has power to give life to the image of the first beast. Who knows what God will allow people to do. When they clone, they are not creating the genes. Man is not creating life; he has to start with genes and cells that are already made. He's only manipulating life; he's not creating it.

Will God allow him? Some people have said that God alone can create life. That is perfectly true, but it is evident that man has some part in engineering it. He can cure some diseases by engineering the genes, and so forth and so on. Women can take drugs that affect the mental health of babies in the womb. There are dire results in altering the chemical composition of the body, and God allows some people to do it, doesn't he? If I were to turn it back on you, I'd be very interested to hear what Scriptures you would advance in answer to that question.


How could a believer, a true child of God, be ashamed before the Lord when he comes (see 1 John 2:28)?


Could you explain the difference between vengeance and ‘avenge’ (see Luke 18:3 KJV)?