December 2023 Update
For Unto You is Born this Day … a Saviour
For many people, the thought of a shepherd and his sheep arouses pleasant and powerful feelings. The bleating of the innocent lambs and the defencelessness of the ewes appeal strongly to their protective instinct, which in turn identifies itself with the figure of the shepherd tending his sheep with loving care and guarding them with heroic devotion. The scene that Luke depicts outside Bethlehem, therefore, has immense appeal: a velvety dark sky overhead and shepherds lying out in the fields watching over their flocks, looking up at the brilliant but silent stars: the occasional bleating of the lambs, the quiet contentment of the ewes secure in their awareness of the shepherds’ presence. And then suddenly a burst of glory and a great company of angels from the world above, all praise and joyfulness, announcing the coming of one who would be a Saviour and protector for men as the shepherds were for their sheep.
— David Gooding, Windows on Paradise
Announcing ‘Myrtlefield Articles’!
We are pleased to announce that several of David Gooding’s academic and popular articles have been made available on our website. We are grateful to the publishers who have granted us permission to host them.
To explore this new catalogue, Myrtlefield Articles, click the button below.
Biblical Insights with David Gooding
A Myrtlefield House Podcast
Several episodes have already been launched on our website and major platforms.
In 2024 we will be posting our podcasts more regularly.
To check out our current catalogue, click the button below.
New Book Releases
The Letters of David W. Gooding – Easter 2024
Changing us for Glory – Summer 2024
From Symbol to Reality: The Journeys of the Son of God in John’s Gospel
David Gooding’s manuscripts and transcripts covering the Prologue and Prelude (1:1–2:12) and the first journey (2:13–4:54) have now been edited into a draft that is both rich and . . . large! At approximately 120,000 words, we may have to consider publishing a multi-volume set. If there is a negative to the size of this work, it is that it takes time to assemble. On the plus side, we trust that these books will prove to be a resource that enriches the study and teaching of many students of the word for many years to come, while also demonstrating the genius of the Holy Spirit’s work of inspiring his word through God’s servant John. At the moment, we won’t try to pin down a release date, but we value your prayers as this work continues.
Windows on Paradise (left) and The Definition of Christianity (right) in Arabic
Project 2.2 Billion Progress
We have made significant progress in our Arabic translation over the last few months. We now have draft versions of all the Quest books translated into Arabic through our ministry partners in Jordan, and are currently pursuing options for publication of these books. Additionally, our partners in Egypt have now completed and published translations of Windows on Paradise and The Definition of Christianity, which are available from the website; a further two books are also nearing publication. Both of these ministries have significant reach across the Middle East.
So far we have produced draft versions of Christianity: Opium or Truth, According to Luke and An Unshakeable Kingdom in Russian. Given the situation between Russia and Ukraine at present, we have faced some complications with this work, but we have editors and proofreaders in place to cooperate as we seek to publish these books.
We have two books available in Chinese: Key Bible Concepts and An Unshakable Kingdom. Translation work has been completed on numerous other books, with draft versions of Journeys with Jesus, Opium or Truth and Drawing Near to God produced within the last few months. We are currently pursuing options for editing these books, and are discussing further potential projects with our translator, who has been very diligent in his work over the last few years.
Editing work has been steadily progressing on our books in Spanish. We have already published updated versions of In the School of Christ, Key Bible Concepts and The Bible and Ethics under the Myrtlefield Español imprint. A number of further books are almost ready for publication. Editing of True to the Faith is ongoing, and beyond this we also aim to translate our further publications which have not previously existed in Spanish, Drawing Near to God and Journeys with Jesus. Additionally, we now have a new specialized website,, where users can view and access all our published resources in Spanish.
Quest Videos
The nine-part video series produced by Remission Ministries in Jordan is due to be released in January. The whole process has meant a big learning curve, but working with the team at Remission has been tremendous. In Arabic, the videos will be used as part of Remission's ongoing work of reaching and discipling Arabic-speaking millennials, including distribution by SAT-7. Producing the videos in English at the same time has allowed us to test the format for other possible video projects in the future; and we plan to use them to make the Quest book series better known, and to let those of us who don't speak Arabic in on the material. A longer series of videos covering the whole Quest series is still possible, but we will gauge the reaction to this pilot series first.
David Gooding Answers … 15 More Questions!
We have added fifteen more Q&As to the David Gooding Answers catalogue on our website. These include:
Can you comment on John 9:35 and whether the original manuscripts read ‘Son of God’ or ‘Son of Man’?
The crusaders were acting in disobedience to God. Did they know that what they were doing was wrong, but chose to do it anyway?
If you had to pick one basic Christian truth to emphasize in today’s society, what would it be, and how would you suggest a Christian should convey it to the non-Christian community?
Home Sweet Home…?
We are still looking for the right office space for the team. We have viewed properties both in Belfast and in the surrounding area. Ultimately we want to be located in the place that is right for carrying out the immediate work in the most efficient way, and also for how the Lord wants to use Myrtlefield in the years ahead, in his will.
Prayer Points
Wisdom and guidance for Arabic publication decisions
Guidance for editing and publishing opportunities in Chinese
That the numerous Spanish resources would reach and help people in Latin America especially