Full List of Publications by David Gooding
Doctoral dissertation
'The Greek Deuteronomy', PhD thesis, University of Cambridge, 1954, un-published. Deals with the textual problems raised by the Chester Beatty Papyrus VI (963), Dublin.
Recensions of the Septuagint Pentateuch. Tyndale Lecture 1954. Cambridge: Tyndale Press, 1955.
The Account of the Tabernacle: Translation and Textual Problems of the Greek Exodus. Texts and Studies: Contributions to Biblical and Patristic Literature, ed. C. H. Dodd, no. 6. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1959.
edited The Text of the Septuagint: Its Corruptions and Their Emendation by Peter Walters (formerly Katz). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973.
Studies in Luke's Gospel. Bible Study and Discussion Papers 1–3. Dublin: Biblical Studies Institute, 1973.
An Unshakeable Kingdom: The Letter to the Hebrews for Today. Scarborough, Ontario: Everyday Publications, 1975; rev. edn Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press/Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989; repr. Port Colborne, Ontario: Gospel Folio Press, 1989, 2002; repr. Coleraine, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2013; also available for Logos (Bellingham, Wash: Faithlife), and Kindle. [in Bulgarian] Посланието към Евреите. Sofia: Нов човек (New Man), 1995; [in Hungarian] Rendíthetetlen királyság. Stuttgart: Evangéliumi, 1991; A Zsidókhoz írt levél mai üzenete: Rendíthetetlen ország. Evangéliumi, 2017. [in German] Ein unerschütterliches Reich: 10 Studien über d. Hebräerbrief. Dillenburg: Christliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987; Ein unerschütterliches Reich - Felsenfeste Wahrheit in unsicheren Zeiten - Kommentar zum Hebräerbrief. CMVH, 2013. [in Polish] Niewzruszone Królestwo: list do Hebrajczyków dzisiaj. Wydaw. Ewangeliczne, 1990. [in Romanian] Epistola către Evrei. O împărăţie ce nu poate fi clatinată. Cluj, Romania: Editura Logos, 2006. [in Russian] Осуществление Ожидаемого: Посланце к Ебреям. Moscow, 1996, 1998. [in Spanish] Según Hebreos: Un reino inconmovible. Barcelona: Publicaciones Andamino, 2008. [in Vietnamese] "Vương Quốc Không Hề Rúng Động": Thơ Hêbơrơ Cho Thời Hiện Đại. IVP, 2003, 2014.
Relics of Ancient Exegesis: A Study of the Miscellanies in 3 Reigns 2. Society for Old Testament Study Monograph Series, 4. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976.
According to Luke: A new exposition of the Third Gospel. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1987; repr. Port Colborne, Ontario: Gospel Folio Press, 2002; repr. Eugene, Origen: Wipf and Stock, 2005; repr. as According to Luke: The Third Gospel's Ordered Historical Narrative. Coleraine, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2013; also available for Logos (Bellingham, Wash: Faithlife), and Kindle. [in Dutch] Volgens Lukas. Royal Jongbloed, 1995. [in German] Das Evangelium nach Lukas: Botschaft, Aufbau und Ziel. Christliche Literaturverbreitung, 2012. [in Polish] Według Łukasza: nowe spojrzenie na Trzecią Ewangelię. tr. Witold Gorecki. Wydawnictwo Ewangeliczne, 1992. [in Spanish] Según Lucas: una nueva exposición del tercer Evangelio. Editiorial Clie/Publicaciones Andamio, 1996. [in Russian] Новый взгяд на Евангелие от Луки. Duncanville, USA: World Wide Printing, 1997. [in Vietnamese] Theo Thánk Lu-ca. 2015.
True to the Faith: A fresh approach to the Acts of the Apostles. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1990; repr. Port Colborne, Ontario: Gospel Folio Press, 1995; repr as True to the Faith: Defining and Defending the Gospel. Coleraine, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2013; also available for Logos (Bellingham, Wash: Faithlife), and Kindle. [in Hungarian] A krisztusi hithez hűen: Az Apostolok Cselekedetei könyvének új megközelítése. Budapest: Evangéliumi, 2000, 2017. [in Portuguese] Permanecendo fiel à fé: Atos dos Apóstolos Definindo e Defendendo o__Evangelho. Porto Alegre, Brazil: Editora Verdade, 2015. [in Romanian] Faptele Apostolilor. Credincioşi adevărului. Cluj, Romania: EdituraLogos, 1995. [in Russian] Верные вере: Новый подход к Деяниям святых Апостолов. 1994; & Duncanville, USA: World Wide Printing, 1998. [in Spanish] Según Hechos: permaneciendo fiel a la fe. Editiorial Clie/Publicaciones Andamio, 1990, rev. edn 2008. [in Vietnamese] Sống Đúng Đức Tin. 2016.
In the School of Christ: A Study of Christ's Teaching on Holiness. John 13–17. Port Colborne, Ontario: Gospel Folio Press, 1995, 2001; repr. as In the School of Christ: Lessons on Holiness in John 13–17. Coleraine, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2013 ; also available for Logos (Bellingham, Wash: Faithlife), and Kindle. [in Bulgarian] В училището на Христос. Sofia: Veren, 2000. [in Burmese] 2013. [in Dutch] In de School van Christus. Johannes 13-17. Royal Jongbloed, 1997. [in German] In der Schule des Meisters: Eine Betrachtung der Lehren Christi über Heiligkeit – Johannes 13–17. Christliche Literaturverbreitung, 2015. [in Hungarian] Krisztus iskolájában. Budapest: Evangéliumi Kiadó, 1996. [in Polish] W szkole Chrystusa: studium nauczania Chrystusa na temat świętości, Ewangelia Jana 13-17. tr. Adam Mariuk. Areopag, 2010. [in Portuguese] Na Escola de Cristo: Lições sobre a santidade em João 13-17. Porto Alegre, Brazil: Editora Verdade, 2017. [in Russian] В Школе Христа (Учение Христа о святости). Newtownards, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield Trust, 1997. [in Spanish] Según Juan: En la escuela de Cristo. Juan 13-17. tr. Roger Marshall. 1995; Barcelona: Publicaciones Andamino, 2012.
Windows on Paradise. Port Colborne, Ontario: Gospel Folio Press, 1998, 2001; Coleraine, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield Trust, 2013; Coleraine, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2014, 2018. [in Bulgarian] Прозорец към рая. Sofia: Veren, 2011. [in Burmese] 2012. [in Hungarian] Mennybe nyíló ablakok. tr. Péter Vohmann. Budapest: Evangéliumi, 1991. [in Malay] Jendela Syurga. 2008. [in Russian] Окно в рай. Исследование Евангелия от Луки. Newtownards, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield Trust, 1993. [in Spanish] Ventanas al paraíso: Estudios en el evangelio de Lucas. Talleres Gráficos de la M.C.E. 1982. [in Vietnamese] Những Cửa Sổ Trên Trời, 2013
The Riches of Divine Wisdom: The New Testament's Use of the Old Testament. Coleraine, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2013; also available for Logos (Bellingham, Wash: Faithlife), and Kindle. [in Hungarian] Isten sokféle bölcsessége: Hogyan használja az Ószövetség az Újszövetséget. Budapest: Evangéliumi, 2010. [in Russian] Христианикая интерпретация Ветхого Завета [= Christian Interpretation of OT]. Belfast, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2008, rev. edn 2016. [in Spanish] La Multiforme Sabiduría de Dios: El uso que hace el Nuevo Testamento del Antiguo Testamento. Belfast, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield Español, 2020.
Books published with John Lennox
Christianity: Opium or Truth? Port Colborne, Ontario: Gospel Folio Press, 1997; rev. edn Coleraine, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2014; also available for Kindle. [in Bulgarian] Християнството: опиум или истина? Sofia: Veren, 2004. [in German] Opium fürs Volk? Bielefeld: Christliche Literature-Verbreitung, 2012. [in Hungarian] Keresztyénség: illúziók vagy tények? Budapest: Evangéliumi, 1998. 2013; Keresztyénség: Ópium vagy Igazság? Budapest: Evangéliumi, 2013. [in Portuguese] Cristianismo: Ópio do Povo? Porto Alegre, Brazil: Editora Verdade, 2013. [in Russian] Христианство: опиум или истина? Moscow: Myrtlefield Trust, 1991 & Duncanville, USA: World Wide Printing, 1998.
Worldview I: The Human Quest for Significance: Forming a Worldview. rev. English edn published in The Quest for Reality and Significance series. [inRussian] Мировоззрение. Для чего мы живем и каково наше место в мире. Том 1. Minsk: Yaroslavl, 1999, 2001; [in Hungarian] _Küzdelem az élet értelméért: Világnézetünk alakítása.. Budapest: Evangéliumi, 2001.
The Definition of Christianity. Port Colborne, Ontario: Gospel Folio Press, 1997, 2001; rev. edn Coleraine, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2014; also available for Kindle. [inBulgarian] Дефиниция на християнството. Sofia: Veren, 2004. [in German] Christentum definitiv!: Der Unterschied zwischen christlicher Botschaft und Christenheit. Hammerbrücke: Germany: Jota Publikation, 2003. [in Hungarian] A keresztyénség meghatározása. tr. Peter Vohmann. Budapest: Evangéliumi. [in Polish] Definicja chrześcijaństwa. tr. Przemysław Janikowski. Areopag, 2001. [in Portuguese] A Definiçao Do Cristianismo. Porto Alegre, Brazil: Editora Verdade, 2014. [in Russian] Определение Христианства. Duncanville, USA: World Wide Printing, 1997, 2005 and Minsk: Myrtlefield Trust, 1999. [in Spanish] Una definición del cristianismo para el siglo XXI : un estudio basado en los hechos de los Apóstoles. Barcelona: Editiorial Clie, 2001.
Key Bible Concepts. Port Colborne, Ontario: Gospel Folio Press, 2001, 2007; repr. Coleraine, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2014; also available for Kindle. [in Bulgarian] Ключови библейски Понятия. 1997, 2004. [in Burmese] Coleraine, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2013. [in Chinese] Hong Kong: CCL, 2014. [in German] Schlüsselbegriffe der Bibel. Bielefeld: Christliche Literatur-Verbreitung, 2013. [in Korean] 성경의핵심용어해설. Korea: BrethrenHouse, 2017 [in Malay] Konsep Utama Dalam Alkitab. Myrtlefield Trust, 2004. [in Polish] Kluczowe koncepcje biblijne. Areopag, 2001. [in Portuguese] Conceitos-Chave da Bíblia. Porto Alegre, Brazil: Editora Verdade, 2016. [in Russian] Ключевые понятия Библии. Myrtlefield Trust, 1997. [in Spanish] Concep tos bíblicos fundamentales: para comprender y enseñar la Biblia a la sociedad de hoy. Barcelona: Editiorial Clie/Publicaciones Andamio, 2001. [in Swahili] Lulu za Biblia. Dodoma, Tanzania: Kanisa la Biblia, 2014. [in Vietnamese] Khái Niệm Nền Tảngthánh Kinh. Hanoi, Vietnam:Tôn Giáo, 2013.
Worldview II: The Search for Reality (1). rev. English edn published in The Quest for Reality and Significance series. [in Russian] Миповоззрение: Человек в поисках истины и реальности шь. Том 1. Minsk: Yaroslavl, 2004; [in Hungarian] Küzdelem az élet értelméért II. Világnézetünk alakítása. Budapest: Evangéliumi, 2011.
Worldview III: The Search for Reality (2). rev. English edn published in The Quest for Reality and Significance series. [in Hungarian] Küzdelem az élet értelméért III. Világnézetünk alakítása. Budapest: Evangéliumi, 2012. [in Russian] Миповоззрение: Человек в поисках истины и реальности. Том 2. Minsk: Yaroslavl, 2004; [in Ukrainian] Kiev: Myrtlefield Trust/Ukrainian Bible Society, 2005.
The Bible and Ethics: Studies for Group and Individual Work. Coleraine, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield Trust, 2011; repr. Port Colborne, Ontario: Gospel Folio Press, 2011; India, Bible Educational Services, 2013; rev. English edn Coleraine, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2014; also available for Kindle. [in Burmese] 2015. [in Hungarian] Bibliai és etikai nevelés. tr. Péter Vohmann. Budapest: Evangéliumi, 2019. [in Portuguese] A Bíblia e a Ética. Porto Alegre, Brazil: Editora Verdade, 2020. [in Russian] Библия и нравственное воспитание [= The Bible and Ethical Education]. Newtownards, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield Trust, 1997 and Duncanville, USA: World Wide Printing, 1999. [in Spanish] Fundamentos para una ética bíblica: La Biblia y la educación ética para un mundo en transición. Barcelona: Andamio Editorial, 2015.
Being Truly Human: The Limits of our Worth, Power, Freedom and Destiny. The Quest for Reality and Significance. Vol. 1. Belfast, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2018; also available for Kindle. [in German] Was ist der Mensch?: Würde, Möglichkeiten, Freiheit und Bestimmung. Die Suche nach Wirklichkeit und Bedeutung. Buch 1. Christliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2020.
Finding Ultimate Reality: In Search of the Best Answers to the Biggest Questions. The Quest for Reality and Significance. Vol. 2. Belfast, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2018; also available for Kindle. [in German] Was können wir wissen?: Können wir wissen, was wir unbedingt wissen müssen? Die Suche nach Wirklichkeit und Bedeutung. Buch 2. Christliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2020.
Questioning our Knowledge; Can we Know What we Need to Know? The Quest for Reality and Significance. Vol. 3. Belfast, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2019; also available for Kindle.
Doing What's Right: Whose System of Ethics is Good Enough? The Quest for Reality and Significance. Vol. 4. Belfast, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2019; also available for Kindle.
Claiming to Answer: How One Person Became the Response to our Deepest Questions. The Quest for Reality and Significance. Vol. 5. Belfast, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2019; also available for Kindle.
Suffering Life's Pain: Facing the Problems of Moral and Natural Evil. The Quest for Reality and Significance. Vol. 6. Belfast, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield House, 2019; also available for Kindle.
Published lectures and booklets
Recensions of the Septuagint Pentateuch. Cambridge: Tyndale Press, 1955.
How about God? Four broadcast talks. Belfast: Graham & Heslip, n.d.
The inspiration and authority, canon and transmission of Holy Scripture. Edinburgh: Darien Press, 1961.
How to Teach the Tabernacle. Dublin: Merrion Press, 1970; repr. Port Colborne, Ontario: Everyday Publications, 1977. [in Burmese] 2015. [in Hungarian] Az eljövendő árnyéka: hogyan tanítsuk a bibliai Szent Sátort? [= The Shadow of the Future: How to Teach the Holy Tent of the Bible]. Budapest: Evangéliumi, 2018. [in Spanish] Cómo enseñar el tabernáculo. Port Colborne, Ontario: Everyday Publications, 1977.
Current Problems and Methods in the Textual Criticism of the Old Testament. Belfast: Queen's University, 1979.
How? The Search for Spiritual Satisfaction. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1980. Reprinted in Christianity: Opium or Truth? (ch. 8).
Freedom under God. Bath: Echoes of Service, 1985.
Unfettered Faith: The Promotion of Spiritual Freedom. Coleraine, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield Trust, 1986.
Wer glaubt muß denken. Bielefeld: Christliche Literature-Verbreitung, 1998.
The Bible: Myth or Truth. Reprinted in English in Christianity: Opium or Truth? (ch. 2). [in Bulgarian] Библията: мит или истина. Coleraine, N. Ireland: Myrtlefield Trust, 2001. [in German] Die Bibel—Mythos oder Wahrheit? Dillenburg: Christliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1992; Die Bibel—Mythos oder Wahrheit? Gibt es eine echte Erfüllung? 2nd edn Bielefeld: Christliche Literature-Verbreitung, 2001.
Chapters and major articles
'The Text of the Psalms in two Durham Bibles.' Scriptorium 12:1 (1958): 94–6.
Articles in New Bible Dictionary on 'Bezalel, Bezaleel'; 'Capital' [in tabernacle]; 'Censer'; 'Gershom, Gershon'; 'Kaiwan'; 'Kohath, Kohathites'; 'Merari, Merarites'; 'Oholiab'; 'Rephan'; 'Snuffers'; ' Tabernacle'; 'Texts & Versions 2. The Septuagint'; 'Trays'. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1962.
'Aristeas and Septuagint Origins: A review of recent studies.' Vetus Testamentum 13:4 (1963): 357–379.
'Ahab According to the Septuagint.' ZAW 76 (1964): 269–80.
'Pedantic Timetabling in 3rd Book of Reigns.' Vetus Testamentum 15:2 (1965): 153–66.
'The Septuagint's Version of Solomon's Misconduct.' Vetus Testamentum 15:3 (1965): 325–35.
'An Impossible Shrine.' Vetus Testamentum 15:4 (1965): 405–20.
'Temple Specifications: A Dispute in Logical Arrangement between the MT and the LXX.' Vetus Testamentum 17:2 (1967): 143–72.
'The Septuagint's Rival Versions of Jeroboam's Rise to Power.' Vetus Testamentum 17:2 (1967): 173–89.
'The Shimei Duplicate and its Satellite Miscellanies in 3 Reigns II.' Journal of Semitic Studies 13:1 (1968): 76–92.
'Problems of Text and Midrash in the Third Book of Reigns.' Textus 7 (1969): 11–13.
'Text-Sequence and Translation-Revision in 3 Reigns IX 10 – X 33.' Vetus Testamentum 19:4 (1969): 448–63.
'Observations on Certain Problems Connected with the So-called Septuagint.' TSF Bulletin 56 (1970): 8–13.
'Jeroboam's Rise to Power: A Rejoinder.' Journal of Biblical Literature 91:4 (1972): 529–33.
'Two possible examples of midrashic interpretation in the Septuagint Exodus' in Wort, Lied, und Gottesspruch: Festschrift fur Joseph Ziegler (ed. Josef Schreiner; Echter Verlag: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1972), 39–48.
'On the use of the LXX for dating Midrashic elements in the Targums.' Journal of Theological Studies_ ns 25:1 (1974): 1–11.
'A Recent Popularisation of Professor F. M. Cross' Theories on the Text of the Old Testament.' Tyndale Bulletin 26 (1975): 113–32.
'An Appeal for a Stricter Terminology in the Textual Criticism of the Old Testament.' Journal of Semitic Studies 21 (1976): 15–25.
'Traditions of Interpretation of the Circumcision at Gilgal', in Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Jewish Studies, held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 13–19 August, 1973, under the Auspices of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Division A (ed. A. Shinan; Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1977), 149–64.
'Structure littéraire de Matthieu 13:53 à 18:35.' Revue biblique 85:2 (1978): 227–52.
'Demythologizing, Old and New, and Luke's Description of the Ascension: A Layman's Appraisal.' Irish Biblical Studies 2 (1980): 95–119.
Articles in Illustrated Bible Dictionary on 'Septuagint'; 'Tabernacle'. Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1980.
'The Literary Structure of the Book of Daniel and its Implications' (The Tyndale Old Testament Lecture, 1980). Tyndale Bulletin 32 (1981): 43–79.
'Demythologizing the Ascension: A Reply by D. W. Gooding.' Irish Biblical Studies 3 (1981): 45–54.
'A Sketch of Current Septuagint Studies.' Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 5 (1981).
'The Composition of the Book of Judges.' Eretz-Israel, H. M. Orlinsky Volume. Jerusalem: 1982.
Articles in New Bible Dictionary on 'Bezalel, Bezaleel'; 'Capital' [in tabernacle]; 'Censer'; 'Gershom, Gershon'; 'Kaiwan'; 'Kohath, Kohathites'; 'Merari, Merarites'; 'Oholiab'; 'Rephan'; 'Snuffers'; 'Tabernacle'; 'Texts & Versions 2. The Septuagint'; 'Trays'. 2nd edn Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1982.
'Philo's Bible in the De Gigantibus and Quod Deus.' in Two Treatises of Philo of Alexandria: A Commentary on De Gigantibus and Quod Deus Sit Immutabilis, with V. Nikiprowetzky (ed. D. Winston and J. Dillon; BJS 25; Chico, Calif.: Scholars Press, 1983), 89–125.
'The Problem of Pain.' Journal of the Irish Christian Study Centre 1 (1983):63–9. 'An Approach to the Literary and Textual Problems in the David-Goliath
Story', in The Story of David and Goliath: Papers of a Joint Research Venture by Dominique Barthélemy et al.; Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, no. 73 (Fribourg: Éditions Universitaires, 1986; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1986), 55–86.
'David-Goliath Project: Stage Four', in The Story of David and Goliath: Papers of a Joint Research Venture by Dominique Barthélemy et al.; Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, no. 73 (Fribourg: Éditions Universitaires, 1986; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1986), 145–154.
The Bible and Moral Education for Schools, with John Lennox. Moscow: Uchitelskaya Gazeta (Newspaper for Teachers), 1993–5; repr. as The Bible and Ethics.
Articles in New Bible Dictionary on 'Bezalel, Bezaleel'; 'Capital' [in tabernacle]; 'Censer'; 'Gershom, Gershon'; 'Kaiwan'; 'Kohath, Kohathites'; 'Merari, Merarites'; 'Oholiab'; 'Rephan'; 'Snuffers'; 'Tabernacle'; 'Texts & Versions 2. The Septuagint'; 'Trays'. 3rd edn, Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1996.
'The tabernacle: no museum piece' in The Perfect Saviour: Key themes in Hebrews (ed. Jonathan Griffiths; Nottingham: Inter-Varsity Press, 2012), 69–88.
Review articles
Review of Ilmari Soisalon-Soininen, Der Charakter der asterisierten Zusätze in der Septuaginta. Gnomon 33:2 (1961): 143–8.
Review of Joost Smit Sibinga, The Old Testament Text of Justin Martyr. Journal of Theological Studies ns 16:1 (1965): 187–92.
Review of Ilmari Soisalon-Soininen, Die Infinitive in der Septuaginta. Journal of Theological Studies ns 18:2 (1967): 451–5.
Review of James Donald Shenkel, Chronology and Recensional Development in the Greek Text of Kings viii. Journal of Theological Studies ns 21:1 (1970): 118–31.
Review of Adrian Schenker, Hexaplarische Psalmenbruchstucke: Die hexaplarischen Psalmenfragmente der Handschriften Vaticanus graecus 752 und Canonicianus graecus 62, Journal of Theological Studies ns 27:2 (1976): 443–5.
Review of Raija Sollamo, Renderings of Hebrew Semiprepositions in the Septuagint. Journal of Semitic Studies 25:2 (1980): 261–3.
Review of John W. Olley, "Righteousness" in the Septuagint of Isaiah: A Contextual Study. Journal of Theological Studies ns 32:1 (1981): 204–12.
Review of J. H. Charlesworth, The Pseudepigrapha and Modern Research. Irish Biblical Studies 4:1 (1982): 46-49.
Review of Anneli Aejmelaeus, Parataxis in the Septuagint. Journal of Semitic Studies 28:2 (1983): 369–71.
Short Notice on M. K. H. Peters, An Analysis of the Textual Character of the Bohairic of Deuteronomy. Journal of Theological Studies ns 34:2 (1983): 693.
Review of Homer Heater, A Septuagint Translation Technique in the Book of Job. Journal of Theological Studies ns 35:1 (1984): 169–77.
Review of Roger Beckwith, The Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church. Irish Biblical Studies 8:4 (1986): 207-211.
Review of George Alexander Kennedy, Duane Frederick Watson (eds.), Persuasive Artistry: Studies in New Testament Rhetoric in Honour of George A Kennedy. Evangelical Quarterly 64 (1992): 264–8.
Popular articles
'The True Peacemaker and Benefactor of the People.' Precious Seed 3:7 (1950). 'Modern Translations—Their Use and Abuse.' Precious Seed 7:8 (1956).
'New Testament Word Studies.' Precious Seed 12:1–4 & 13:1–6 (1961–62). 'El portal de la eternidad.' Edificación Cristiana (Madrid, Spain) 74 (Jul/Aug 1978).
'Symbols of Headship and Glory.' The Word (Belfast, 1980); [in German] 'Symbole oder Zeichen von Autoritat und Herrlichkeit' tr. von
G. Giesler. Verlegerbeilage zu Die Wegweisung 6/87. Dillenburg, Christliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987.
A series of 34 articles in The Question Box, answering questions from readers. Japan, 1986–88.
'Questions People Ask About the Bible', a series of 10 articles published in The Word_ (Belfast, 1987–90).
'The Use of the Old Testament by the New.' [in Spanish] Edificación Cristiana (Madrid, Spain) (1995?).
'How do you relate and reconcile the teaching on women in 1 Corinthians 11 and 14?' The Word (Belfast, 1994).