How would you engage in praise or worship? Is worship an event that can be confined to a given time, or is it a lifelong process?


This text is from a transcript of a talk by David Gooding, entitled ‘Why Talk to God?’.

It is both. When Abraham was asked to take his son Isaac and offer him on an altar upon Mount Moriah, Abraham said to the young men, 'Stay here with the donkey; I and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you' (Genesis 22:5). In that sense, yes, the worship was confined to that moment. He was talking about an act that he was about to perform on Mount Moriah and after it was over he would come back.

Or Leviticus talks about certain set times of the year when the Jews went up to worship at the feasts. These were the special ceremonies of praise and ritual at the temple, as prescribed by the Old Testament on the occasions of the great national holy days and the service of God. So there were times when the worship was organized: it started and it finished.

On the other hand, the questioner is right in saying that to be true worship, as the hymn says, it cannot properly be of the lip alone: 'Not for the lip of praise alone, | nor e'en the praising heart, | I ask, but for a life made up of praise in ev'ry part'. It must be made up of the life, because worship has to do with our attitude of heart. If the way we live contradicts the attitude that we adopt in worship, then our worship is not much good.


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