How do you view the role of the women in the church, and in what ways can they exercise their priestly function, particularly in regard to public worship?


This text is from an article written by David Gooding in 1987.

Let me illustrate briefly something of the scope and varieties of ministry carried out by women in the New Testament, albeit not in the synagogue or church.

When the Samaritan woman evangelized the townspeople, it was not in a meeting of the church. When Anna prophesied—and that in the presence of men in the temple courts—it was not a meeting of the temple, synagogue or church. When Priscilla and Aquilla joined in instructing Apollos, it was (explicitly) not in a synagogue or church.

The teaching and training referred to in Titus 2:3–5 is a ministry, the importance of which it would be impossible to exaggerate in our modern permissive and immoral age (or in any other). But are the mixed congregations of the public meetings of the church the best and most appropriate place for the carrying on of this ministry?

By common consent, the training of the child Timothy by his mother and grandmother was an enormous contribution to his eventual evangelism and pastoral ministry. But was it performed by them in the public meeting of the church?

If it is true, as I would suggest it is, that Philip's daughters did not exercise their prophetic gift in the meetings of the church (Acts 21:9–14), would that mean that their prophecies were thereby rendered ineffective and useless?

Rather than answering the last part of the question directly, I would instead like to ask you what you think is involved in acting as a Christian priest. Would you, for instance, think that the man envisaged in 1 Corinthians 14:28, who in a meeting of the church only 'speaks to himself and to God', is thereby functioning as a priest? Or do we function as priests only when we voice the praise of God audibly and publicly on behalf of the rest of the congregation? And is the function of a priest confined to public worship, or can it be exercised in private intercession and personal testimony (cf. 1 Pet 2:9)? If I try to answer the last part of the question before knowing what people think on these prior questions, I could be talking at cross purposes!


Why do you conclude that the praying and prophesying of 1 Corinthians 11 is not a part of church activity? How do you define a church gathering in which women would not be permitted to speak?


Does Hebrews 1:6 refer to Christ’s first or second advent?