What are angels?


This text is from a letter written by David Gooding in 1991.

Angels are creatures made by God (see Col 1:16); they did not appear simultaneously along with God. God himself did not 'appear' at a certain time: he always was; there never was a time when he began to be.

The Bible does not tell us what role angels played before the creation of our world. Fallen angels are those who have sided with Satan in his rebellion against God (see Matt 25:41; Jude 6). One ministry performed by good angels is told to us in Hebrews 1:14.

Many, even atheistic scientists, nowadays believe that there is intelligent life on other planets that revolve round other suns in other galaxies within the universe. Mankind, they think, is not the only form of highly developed intelligent life in the universe. That is interesting, because the Bible has been saying this for a long time. Since angels are creatures, they are within creation, and not, like God himself, outside it.

It interests me to see that, when the Bible speaks of angels, modern people are inclined to refuse to believe in them and laugh at the idea. Yet, when scientists say they believe that there is intelligent life in other parts of the universe, people do not laugh at it. Why the difference?

Very sincerely,


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