What steps can an unbeliever take in view of the Lord’s imminent return?


This text is from a transcript of a question-and-answer session with David Gooding.

This matter is important beyond all else. We can forget about timings; the fact is that the Lord is coming and we are going to be judged. If we stand before him unsaved, and have him pass judgment on our lives and works, then there is no doubt he must say what his word already says now: 'all have sinned and come short' (Romans 3:23). If we stand before him unsaved, then it must mean disaster.

So the thing to be done now is to come and meet the judge. We know who the judge is going to be, because our Lord told us: 'The Father judges no man, but he has committed all judgment to the Son' (John 5:22). Right now, before he comes as judge, it is possible to have dealings with him and get this matter of our guilt settled, to receive forgiveness of sins and the assurance that we shall not come into judgment.

Let me quote his word from the Bible: 'He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death unto life' (John 5:24). With all the power of my being, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I would urge anybody who is not yet saved to come and meet the Lord Jesus personally this very moment and get this assurance.


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