What is your attitude to teaching Christians of various persuasions?


This text is from a letter written by David Gooding in 1998.

You ask about my attitude towards teaching Christians of various persuasions. My attitude in these matters is governed by Scriptures like Ephesians 4, that remind us that Christ is the head of the body. All true believers are agreed upon this; that all true believers are members of that body. Moreover, Christ, our risen head, has put gifts within the body for the edification of all the members of the body. I would think it disloyalty to the Lord Jesus to refuse to teach a member of the body of which he is the head.

In our teaching, of course, we must aim eventually at teaching all the word of God. We cannot, however, teach all the word of God all at once. As both Paul and Peter remark, some believers are still at the stage of needing milk and cannot yet take strong meat. You could damage a baby by trying to force beefsteaks down its throat. On the other hand, we must never compromise what the word of God teaches.

Yours very sincerely in Christ,


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