Christians exercise many gifts, but are not given all these gifts by the Spirit of God. Does this imply a two-tier system operation in this area?


This text is from a transcript of a talk by David Gooding, entitled ‘Finding Your Place in the Body of Christ’ (1989).

Well, I wouldn't have put it like that myself, but I think I know what you mean. For instance, now and again I try to do the work of an evangelist, as Timothy was told to do. No one is more conscious than I am that I'm not an evangelist, and if I were preaching the gospel in Apsley and Billy Graham turned up, the elders would not be slow in saying, 'Now, David, you are a marvellous preacher, but please sit down tonight, and let a real evangelist take over.'

We all do our bit to evangelize, without being evangelists. And if you'd like to call that a two-tier system, I have no objection to it. What is more, sometimes what our gifts are depend on what locality we are in. A dear brother in Tanzania who's been converted for only a year and a half, may be called upon in his own community to be teacher, pastor, evangelist, and everything else under the sun, and he'll do it effectively. Whereas, if he came to Belfast tomorrow, he would scarcely be an elder, nor would he lead an evangelistic campaign in the middle of London. It partly depends on where you are in the body.


What do you mean when you encourage people to use their ‘spiritual imagination’?


What does God’s word say about pain?