Did God create evil?


This text is from a transcript of a talk by David Gooding, entitled ‘Christianity on Trial’ (2007).

There is a verse in Isaiah the prophet, where in the old English translation it appears to say, 'I, the Lord, create good and I create evil' (see Isaiah 45:7 KJV). But there we have to be very careful about the translation, because the Hebrew word involved can mean 'evil' in the bad, moral sense, or it can mean 'bad' in the experiential sense.

During the war, the air invasion of England with the doodlebugs and all the rest was a very bad experience for people. Now, it is true that God will sometimes use bad experience, even with his believing people, like parents used to do in the old days. It is illegal to do it now, but in the old days parents used to 'chastise' their children. And the Bible comments that chastisement is not pleasant, not pleasing, though in the end it had a very good result (Hebrews 12:11). God uses difficulties and bad experiences to treat and train even his people. But 'evil' in the moral sense, no, God does not create evil. 'God is light, and in him is no darkness at all' (1 John 1:5).


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