Why do you say that Jesus Christ is the only way to God?


This text is from a transcript of a talk by David Gooding, entitled ‘What Moses Could Not Do’ (1989).

My difficulty is a practical one. I am a sinner, and other religions tell me that I ought to be good. That isn't my problem—I know I ought to be good. My problem is that I haven't been good! What attracts me in Jesus Christ is that he says something nobody else says: 'I'm your God, your Creator incarnate, and I love you. I love you personally, for I made you. I love you with a love that is eternally loyal to you. Rather than that you perish, I would die in your place.'

That's love! Not some passing sensation, some sudden surge of emotion, but a love that death itself can never quench and eternity will never see the end of. A love that is utterly loyal. Even though I am a sinner I can say with Saul of Tarsus, 'I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me' (Galatians 2:20).


What is your image of the invisible God when you focus on him in prayer, since we worship an invisible God?


As a scholar, how confident are you as to the reliability and the faithfulness of transmission of the Old Testament as we have it today?