How can we help believers to think more critically?


This text is from a letter written by David Gooding in 1991.

It sometimes happens that some believers are not willing to discuss, in a reasonable fashion, matters that interest those who want to think more critically.

We do have to remember that many of our fellow believers are not systematic theologians. Some have been brought up to accept what they have heard many times repeated from the pulpit, and are not encouraged to examine critically for themselves what they have heard. Moreover, when someone else does begin critically to examine familiar theological phrases, it can make them feel very insecure.

It seems to me that often the best way to deal with this situation is not to try and vigorously correct them in head-on discussions; but graciously, and little by little, by positive exposition of the word, to lead them to see that there are better ways of expressing what they believe than merely repeating what have become clichés.

Yours very truly in Christ,


Peace is found in Christ, not personal sacrifice


What is your advice for those interested in doing research on the Septuagint?