Is it wrong to say ‘God forsook God’ at the crucifixion?


This text is from a letter written by David Gooding in 1991.

In considering the implications of Christ's cry of Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34, you are right to observe that the Bible nowhere uses the phrase 'God forsook God', any more than it says, as Wesley's hymn says, 'That Thou, my God, should die for me'.

It is true, of course, that Jesus Christ was God. On the other hand, while Psalm 121:4 says that God never slumbers nor sleeps, the Gospels tell us that our Lord slept in the fishing boat. I doubt whether mere human logic can adequately categorize and explain the mysteries that are here involved.

In speaking of these things, our wisdom is to confine ourselves to the actual phraseology that Scripture uses.

Yours very truly in Christ,


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