How can I find out in-depth information from a Bible passage? I don’t seem able to understand the Bible like you experts!


 This text is from a transcript of a talk by David Gooding, entitled ‘God’s Glorious Plan for Creation’ (2007).

Well, perhaps that's not altogether to be surprised at. I have been saved for seventy-two years and I went to a very old-fashioned school where I started Latin when I was ten—that's how they used to do it in those far-off days—and Greek when I was twelve. So by the time I got to my teenage years, I thought I would really start reading the New Testament in the Bible to see what it had to say. I've been reading it now for sixty years like that, so I have an advantage, don't I? And the Bible says that the risen Christ gives to his church various gifts. One of those gifts, not the biggest by any means, is to be a teacher and some are evangelists, so you'd expect the teachers to know a bit more than those who aren't teachers!

You may say, 'But I would never have dreamt that that passage is about what you said it was about tonight.' So how can you discover such things? Well, read it again, but when you read the Bible, do start by believing this is God's word and he will speak to you personally in it. He might show me a lot more things, because of my years and experience, but he will certainly speak to you if you will trust him and read his word, a little bit at a time. For he made us and he speaks to us and, if you're one of his sheep, Christ says 'my sheep hear my voice, and I know them' (John 10:27). So start reading it anyway and talk to the Lord about it. I do, and if I come across a Scripture I don't understand, I say, 'Well, Lord, I see what you say, but I don't understand it. I can't make sense of this.' I tell the Lord that in all humility, and say, 'Please, Lord, show me what it means.' I recommend it to you. Don't be discouraged because you can't see all the things I see in it. Read it for yourself, but ask the Lord to speak to you in a way that's suitable to you.


Does the attribute of omnipresence apply to the earthly life of the Lord Jesus?


Peter and Paul both described being under the law as bondage, but David describes the law as honey and sweet. Can you reconcile these?