Is it important to observe the distinction between the roles of God the Father and God the Son, particularly within the book of the Revelation?


This text is from a letter written by David Gooding in 1991.

On the question of keeping the roles of the Father and of the Son distinct in the book of the Revelation, it is important to observe the distinctions that Scripture itself makes. The Father and the Son are one, as our Lord himself pointed out and emphasised (John 10:30); but where Scripture itself draws a distinction between the roles of the Father and the Son, it seems to me to be quite important that we observe that distinction.

For instance, Scripture says that Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. Would you be happy to rephrase this and say that God loved the church and gave himself for her?

Scripture says that Christ died for us. Would it be good phraseology to say that God died for us?

Israel was the wife of Jehovah (see Jer 3:14); and as we know, our Lord Jesus is Jehovah (see Phil 2:11). Would you, therefore, be happy to rephrase Revelation 21 to say that the New Jerusalem is the tabernacle of the Lord Jesus (see Rev 21:3), and is also the bride and wife of God the Father (see 21:9)? And similarly, in Revelation 21:23, would you be happy to rephrase the verse to read 'the glory of the Lamb did lighten it, and God was the lamp thereof'?

In other words, it seems to me that where God himself has given us symbols and pictures in his inspired word that distinguish between the roles of the Father and of the Son, we are wise to follow those distinctions.

Very truly yours in Christ,


Could you comment on the meaning of the phrase ‘God with us’?


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