Should we use commentaries when studying Scripture?


This text is from a letter written by David Gooding in 2004.

The importance of serious study of Scripture is, in the first place, a direct waiting upon God, rather than a study of other people's commentaries.

Commentaries are helpful in the second place, and I personally use them constantly. But it seems to me that, since Scripture is the inspired words of the living God, we should approach Scripture with a view to hearing the living God speak to us.

The Bible is not just a collection of facts, which we may select at our pleasure and work them up into a sermon. The Bible is the Holy Spirit's own sermon, and therefore our first duty is to follow the Holy Spirit's thought flow throughout any one passage, and to ponder the significance of the way he has structured his great sermon, the Bible.

Of course, to understand fully the depth, height, length and breadth of God's revealed word, we need the help of all the saints; not only to enter fully into all its riches, but also in order to be saved from our own misunderstandings and mis­conceptions.

Yours sincerely in Christ,


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