After the Lord’s baptism, when did he go to Cana—after or before the temptation?


This text is from a letter written by David Gooding.

The short answer is after the temptation.

Matthew tells us that, after Christ's baptism, he was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil (see Matthew 4:1). Luke agrees (see Luke 3:21–22; 4:1), and Mark likewise (see Mark 1:12).

John does not mention the temptation, but it is to be noticed that, when John mentions the baptism of Christ, he records it in the past tense: 'I saw the Spirit descending as a dove' (John 1:32). Similarly, in John 1:34: 'I saw and have borne witness.'

John does not tell us how long ago it was; but at John 1:26 he seems to indicate that Christ was already standing among them—though they still did not recognize him, even though John had baptized him.

Therefore, the temptation must have taken place immediately after the baptism of Christ, though the Gospel of John does not tell us exactly when the baptism took place. And certainly it was after the temptation that Christ went to the wedding of Cana.


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