Are you a Baptist, Anglican or Presbyterian?


This text is from a letter written by David Gooding in 2004.

You ask what denomination I belong to: whether I belong to the Baptist Church, the Anglican Church, or the Presbyterian Church. Actually, I do not belong to any of these three, since it seems to me to be better practice, according to the New Testament, simply to call ourselves Christians, in the sense that all genuine believers in Christ are Christians.

At the same time, of course, I agree with the principle for which Presbyterians stand, that each local Church should be governed by local elders. And then, I also believe in believer's baptism as the Baptists do. That is to say, I think that baptism should follow a person's personal and conscious faith in the Lord Jesus.

The Lord's richest blessing be upon you,


Do you accept Calvinistic doctrine?


In connection with the concept of justifying, are ‘the people praised God’ (Luke 7:29) and ‘he shall forgive the innocent’ (Deut 25:1) correct translations?