Is it in any way wrong to address Jesus Christ in prayer, rather than the Father?


This text is from a transcript of a talk by David Gooding, entitled ‘Why Talk to God?’.

I notice that in the days of his flesh, people addressed requests to the Lord Jesus. If he's the same today as forever, then it can't be wrong to address requests to him now. Moreover, our Lord says, 'whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you' (John 16:23), and 'If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it' (John 14:14). Admittedly that reading depends on a variant reading in the manuscripts, but I believe it is correct. I wouldn't say that it is wrong to address prayer or worship to the Lord Jesus now.

Certainly, after his resurrection Thomas addressed worship to the Lord Jesus in the highest possible terms. He said, 'My Lord and my God!' (John 20:28). In John 5:23 our Lord says, 'that all may honour the Son, just as they honour the Father,' because he and the Father are one (see John 10:30).


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