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Now abide three things: thought flow, structure and pattern. And the greatest of these is thought-flow. That’s what we are at, to try and see the flow of thought that came from the Holy Spirit as he inspired the writing of the Bible.
David Gooding
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The Letters of David W. Gooding
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The validation of Christ’s claim lies ultimately in two things: the objective evidence of his resurrection, and our own subjective experience of the Holy Spirit’s witness in our own hearts when, having been convinced by the objective evidence, we open our hearts to Christ and receive him personally as Saviour.
David Gooding & John Lennox
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On what grounds would it be right for me to break fellowship with other believers?
David Gooding Answers
The Problem of Pain
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To believe that Jesus is the Son of God is to believe that he is the telling out of the very heart of God, the manifestation of the love of God. To see him is to see exactly what God is like, and what a wonderful thing that is.
David Gooding